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July 7th ~ California No Nukes Action Committee

No Nukes Action Committee
California Anti-nuke tour of Chieko Shiina, a Fukushima Mother and Farmer 「原発いらない福島の女たち」の椎名千恵子さんによる、カリフォルニア縦断反原子力ツアー

この会場で『Three Eleven 記憶の中で』Movie 上映します
Save the Date: July 7th- July 18th
Save the Date: July 7th- July 18th
Please join us in for a program with Ms. Chieko Shiina, experienced activist and dedicated organic farmer in Kawamata village of Fukushima before March 11th, 2001. One of her major contributions to Japan’s national anti-nukes organizing is that she organized the sit-in in front of the Ministry of Economy and Industry from September 11th, 2011. In addition, she organized 100 women from Fukushima to set up “Women’s 10 months and 10 days sit-in” from late October, which later became both a symbolic and physical space where women from all over Japan came to communicate and organize. Co-sponsored with San Diego Veterans for Peace and Women Occupy San Diego.